Return to Castle Wolfenstein is a Stupid Game
Boss 1: Shit Demon
So for kicks, I finally went back to Return to Castle Wolfenstein, and beat it. It seemed a good segue from Spearhead, to a stupider FPS, like say, Serious Sam. And while I knew what was coming, I can't over emphasize how stupid it was that the final boss of the game was Rob Zombie. The original game featured Hitler in a Robot-suit as a last boss. This was nearly 20% less stupid than Rob Zombie.
Boss 2: Super Soldat, aka Nazi Robot of Doom
So the three bosses, in order are: The Shit Demon from Dogma, Someone who is not Hitler, in a robot suit, and Rob Zombie.
Don't get me wrong. Parts of the game are quite good. Namely the 13 minutes between fighting through a crypt full of Zombies, and the appearance of robots. But perhaps I just wasn't in the mood for a fantasy FPS, or didn't quite like jumping back and forth from one, to a good World War 2 game.
Boss 3: The entire game, Nazis attempt to resurrect an invincible, Medieval German prince. And then he turns out to be Rob Zombie. It was something of a letdown.
And that's probably why I'm most disappointed. When you're not forced to fight Nazi Eskimo Hookers, or Nazi Ninjas, or Demonic rockstars, it's a great game. For the first time in history, someone made a flamethrower that actually looks good, and works close to properly.
It was also short, but at least it chewed up more time than Unreal 2.
Oh, it also had the now standard tossed in stealth mission. And it might be the worst stealth mission I've come across yet. In fact, that's why I gave up on it in the first place. There's a 2nd one tossed in near the end, but that was easy to the point where I didn't mind.
Now, the fantasy elements can be explained away by the not-quite-real ambiance of the original game, so they're somewhat forgiveable, but if ever a game shouldn't have had anything remotely stealthy to it, it's a sequel to Wolfenstein 3D.