First off, I'm not allowed to say where I got my piercing done, because they expressly forbade me to post pictures online. They were good though, and if you want to know, just ask me.
I go looking for someone, anyone to put a sharp metal object in my tongue.Possibly, this is me walking down Church street, and since I'd actually researched it, I'm looking for a specific tattoo/piercing place called _____. I think I might be walking past Yogen Früz, which has absolutely no problem with me mentioning them by name, or showing a picture of the outside of their fine establishment, which I can't recommend enough if you want to get your tongue pierced. Or, maybe if you just want some frozen yoghurt. Note the fine garbage can, which can hold nearly anything, usually garbage. Also note that there's a reflection of a silver car behind me, and I have serious doubts I can stretch this out long enough for it to be worthwhile. Oh, and even outside of whatever store I happen to be wandering past, there's wonderful decorative flowers. You can hardly tell I'm in the gay district.
Here I am....opening a door. Or, more precisely, reaching to open a door.Allison took plenty of exciting shots like this. Note the....uhhh, okay, I can't stretch this out at all.
This is me after being informed that I do indeed need an appointment to get my tongue pierced. Geez, I wish someone would have told me, or at least tried to.