What else floats in water? A very short distance up the Granville Road from her house, Patricia has her choice of churches. Note the Bell ExpressVu dish on this one. The only thing I know about ExpressVu is that it apparantly has the best porn available on Satellite. This church is actually abandoned (or isn't holding services anymore at any rate) and was a crime scene not too long before I visited. Yay Church!


Churches! Churches! The 2nd church up the road. We're getting near the end of my tour of Nova Scotian Cathedrals (get off my back, I may never actually make it to Europe, so this may be as close as I get)
Very Small Rocks? And the last of the Churches. At least the last of the churches I came across on my walk. There could be more further up the road.


Wow.  Snowy. When I went to Nova Scotia, I'd yet to see any notable snow accumulation. To get out into this field to take this picture, I waded through snow up past my hips. For those of you trying to do the math, that means somewhere in the area of 27 feet of snow. Of course, with the weather in Toronto since I got back, lots of snow no longer seems really cool. Or remotely appealing.
Annapolis Royal? Another picture across the inlet of the town I'm probably horribly misidentifying as Annapolis Royal.
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