July 2005
This strikes me as incredibly wrong. Not the arrest, not questioning that he's a scuzzball, not questioning that he should probably be in jail, just sounds like the RCMP is arresting the man on behalf of the US.
Just watched The Village, and it wasn't so great. 'Surprise' ending wasn't. And what else is there to an M. Night Shamalamadingdong movie?
It's Natal Days here, and that means...uhh....bikers. And princesses. But mostly bikers.
Rebuilding is fun
Still working on the site. I got Jeff's site back up. I wish he'd update it, so I'd feel less stupid about doing so.
Looking forward to visiting Toronto more and more. Going shopping on a Sunday, clubbing, party at my parents' place August 20th, etc. etc.
This update seems mostly worthless, but I'm testing something.
Nearly back
My site's mostly back up. Archives are a bit of a mess at the moment, but in theory, they're readable.
I should add that said parole is scheduled for August 15-23. In case anyone's wondering.
It's like parole!
I guess I've been behaving well. I get a week's parole after serving half my sentence.
Well, hopefully. I have to sneak that past the parole board first.