October 2003
Lost in Translation
Well, that clinched it. I'm going to Japan. Soon.
Repeat tonight? Probably.
Forced to Date
My job gets stranger and stranger by the minute.
So does the rest of my life.
I have a pair of boys underwear.
They have racecars on them.
My coworkers are weird.
Wang Dirt? Oh no, my ears have been soiled!
I'll uhh...write something coherent about my weekend at some point when I haven't been awake for 36 hours straight.
Okay, here's the deal.
Yesterday I picked up a new UPS, because while the old one still worked, it never worked well. So, after they were heartily recommended, and turned up on sale at Radioshack, I invested in an APC ES blah blah blah. So I get it home, plug it in to the wall, and a red light comes on, which apparantly indicates: "There is something deeply wrong with your electricity. Hire a professional electrician to fix whatever is deeply wrong in your home/office, because we won't be held responsible when this horrible matter/anti-matter reaction negates the existence of God, thereby destroying this, and an infinite number of parallel universes."
So, needless to say, I'm having the power situation in my house looked at before I start plugging anything in again. The problem actually seems confined to my rooms. The rest of the house doesn't make the UPS worry for the future.
But, in the grand scheme of things, the timing of this is fairly good, (and please don't point out that the problem's been ongoing for the last 18 years or so, in the back of my mind, I'm aware) as much of what I had plugged in is packed up for the weekend anyways. So if anyone's wondering why I'm not online for the first time in ages, I haven't died. I'm just at a party. And drunk. Mostly drunk.
And I really do intend to write some of those updates. Possibly even get back into the habit of updating this site semi-regularly.
And finally, some advice: Never start making a cake at 11:30 if you have to go to work in the morning.
2 months, but who's counting?
Okay, so it took a whole lot longer to get my website back up and running than I thought it would. Unfortunately, I do so just when I lack the time to update properly.
Stuff to write updates on:
- Patricia's Visit
- Comic/Sci-Fi Convention
- Work
- Jeff's place
- Whole lotta mad funnay.